Section 6-3-1. Requisitions and Estimates. Each director of a department of the City shall make and file detailed requisitions or estimates of the department's requirements for supplies and contractual services in such manner, at such times, and for such future periods as the City Manager may prescribe.

[Source: Ord. 340, 1974; 1824, 2022]

Section 6-3-2. Revisory Power. The City Manager or purchasing agent shall examine each requisition or estimate and may revise it as to quantity, quality, or estimated cost.

[Source: Ord. 340, 1974]

Section 6-3-3. Encumbrance Within Appropriations. Except in cases of emergency, the City Manager shall not issue or authorize any order for delivery on a contract or for an open market purchase until it shall be determined that there is to the credit of the department or fund concerned a sufficient unencumbered appropriation balance in excess of all unpaid obligations to defray the amount of such order.

[Source: Ord. 340, 1974]

Section 6-3-4. Price Agreement Procedure. The director of a department may submit requisitions for supplies available by the terms of a price agreement or other contract made by the City Manager.

[Source: Ord. 340, 1974]