Section 10-7-1. Title. This ordinance shall be known and cited as the International Fuel Gas Code ordinance.

[Source: Ord. 1799, 2020; 1847, 2023]

Section 10-7-2. Adoption of the International Fuel Gas Code. The International Fuel Gas Code, 2021 Edition of the International Code Council, Inc., 500 New Jersey Avenue, NW, 6th Floor, Washington, DC 20001, is adopted by reference as a primary code and amended as described in Section 10-7-5 below.

[Source: Ord. 1799, 2020; 1847, 2023]

Section 10-7-3. Copies on File. At least one certified copy of the International Fuel Gas Code, 2021 Edition, as adopted, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and may be inspected during regular business hours.

[Source: Ord. 1799, 2020; 1847, 2023]

Section 10-7-4. Purpose. The purpose of this Code is to provide minimum standards to safeguard life or limb, health, property, and public welfare by regulating fuel gas installations within the City.

[Source: Ord. 1799, 2020; 1847, 2023]

Section 10-7-5. Amendments to the International Fuel Gas Code, 2021 Edition.


Section 101.1 "Title" is amended by the addition of the term "City of Northglenn" where indicated.


Section 106.1 "Where required" is hereby amended to add the following exception:

Exemption 1: Where appliance and equipment replacements and repairs are required to be performed in an emergency situation, the permit application shall be submitted within the next working business day of the Department of Inspection.

Exception 2: Separate fuel gas permits shall not be required where fuel gas work is included within a general permit for a building or structure.


Section 109.2 "Schedule of Permit Fees."

See IBC Amendment Section 109.2. "Schedule of Permit Fees."


Section 109.4 "Work Commencing before Permit Issuance" is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and hereby amended to read as follows:

Section 109.4 Double Fee. Where a licensed contractor or an individual who starts or proceeds with work for which a permit is required by this Code prior to obtaining said permit, the fees specified in section 109.2 "Schedule of Permit Fees" of the City of Northglenn Building Code shall be doubled. Such fee shall be paid whether or not such permit is obtained, but the payment of such fee shall not relieve any persons from fully complying with the requirements of this Code.


Section 109.6 "Refunds" is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and hereby amended to read as follows:

See IBC Section Amendment 109.6. "Refunds"


Section 114 "Board of Appeals" is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and replacing it with the following:

Section 114 "Board of Adjustment."

114.1 General: Appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the Building Official relative to the application and interpretation of this code may be made to the Northglenn Board of Adjustment. Appeals shall be in accordance with Chapter 11 of the Northglenn Municipal Code.


Section 115.4 "Violation Penalties" is deleted in its entirety and hereby amended to read as follows:


It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any of the provisions of the International Fuel Gas Code, 2021 Edition, as adopted, or the provisions of this ordinance.


Any violation of the provisions of this ordinance and any violation of any of the provisions of the International Fuel Gas Code, 2021 Edition, as adopted, shall, upon conviction, be punishable as provided in Section 1-1-10(a)(2) of the Northglenn Municipal Code.


Each and every day on which any violation of the ordinances of the City, or the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to such ordinances, is committed, exists or continues shall be deemed a separate offense.


Section 116 "Stop Work Orders" is deleted in its entirety and hereby amended to read as follows:

Upon notice from the Code Official, work on any fuel gas system that is being done contrary to the provisions of this Code or in a dangerous or unsafe manner shall immediately cease. Such notice shall be in writing and shall be given to the owner of the property, or to the owner's agent, or to the person doing the work, or posted in a conspicuous location on the property involved. The notice shall state the conditions under which work is authorized to resume. Where an emergency exists, the Code Official shall not be required to give a written notice prior to stopping the work. Any person who shall continue any work in or about the structure after having been served with a stop work order, except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition, shall be punishable as provided in Section 1-1-10(a)(2) of the Northglenn Municipal Code.


Section 406.4.1. "Test Pressure" is amended by changing 3 PSIG to 10 PSIG.

[Source: Ord. 1799, 2020; 1847, 2023]

Section 10-7-6. Violations--Penalty.


It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any of the provisions of the International Fuel Gas Code, 2021 Edition, as adopted, or the provisions of this ordinance.


Any violation of the provisions of this ordinance and any violation of any of the provisions of the International Fuel Gas Code, 2021 Edition, as adopted, shall, upon conviction, be punishable as provided in Section 1-1-10(a)(2) of the Northglenn Municipal Code.

[Source: Ord. 1799, 2020; 1847, 2023]

Section 10-7-7. Conflicts. If the provisions of this Code, as adopted in this Article, conflict with any other provisions of the Municipal Code then the more restrictive of the two shall govern. Where there is a conflict between a general requirement and a specific requirement, the specific requirement shall be applicable.

[Source: Ord. 1799, 2020; 1847, 2023]